If you’re looking for creative services for story development, branding, or marketing needs please head to Seen + Unseen Creative.


“Hold fast to the hope

that lies before us.”

- St. Paul

Hope often seems elusive. It’s a daily battle to remember that we’ve been given the ability to live with true, life-altering hope. If we know where to look, the Cross and the Resurrection will become the anchor of our lives, bringing hope when none seems to be found.

The hope that comes from an encounter with the Gospel—the reality of the Cross and Resurrection—has been the foundation of my conversion and spiritual life. Convinced of its power, it is both the source and goal of all my ministry efforts.

The Gospel is the only hope worth clinging to. The Gospel is the only hope worth sharing.


This is my little family. Brittany and I were married in 2006. After ten years of infertility, we have two amazing little boys.

If you’re interested in our infertility journey, my wife often shares about it on her blog, Live in the Longing, and through Blessed Is She.

My wife is also a professional swing dancer. No joke.



I’ve been blessed to serve the young Church through various ways since the year 2000. In addition to my speaking ministry, I co-founded a creative marketing agency, SEEN + UNSEEN.

Here are few samples of my past ministry experience.



If you have a youth, young adult, or parish event coming up and think working together would be a great fit, please fill out this form with as much info as you have. (N/A will suffice if you are not sure of the details yet.)

I’ll review your inquiry and get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have any questions feel free to use this form as well or you can email me directly, here.

Thank you.